Qhere are so many reasons to love evergreen plants, from their unique ability to create all-year-round screening, to how they generously provide a green canopy without the need to sweep it up by the bag-load every autumn. With scientific research into the health benefits of plants even suggesting that the color green itself may be – at least in part – responsible for their therapeutic effect, these plants that are perpetually in leaf are probably some of the most effective at enhancing our wellbeing. If you, however, have been putting off evergreens because you feel they lack autumn colour, these four have-your-cake-and-eat-it plants might just change your mind.

The heavenly bamboo Nandina domestica creates an airy canopy of elegantly divided leaves on evergreen shrubs around 2m tall. With new growth that was flushed with burgundy before maturing to dark green come the autumn, the red and purple shades return

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At the time of the article, it was unclear what might have caused the collapse. But according to officials with the Army Corps of Engineers, the governing body who manages Lake Georgetown in which Crockett Garden resides, the frigid temperatures in all likelihood caused the incident.

“While it is a unique location on our trail this area is a natural feature and I can only assume due to the frigid temperatures we experienced is what caused a section to separate. Like all natural features, mother nature is in control,” the organization told KXAN in a statement. “The area is part of the wildlife area around the lake and will continue to be open to the

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Pillow fight! Playful fox cubs are caught grappling over cushions left for them to sleep on in the garden

  • The two cubs were chasing each other when they were caught on camera
  • Dora Nightingale, from Worthing, West Sussex, filmed the adorable footage
  • She was contacted by a resident ‘annoyed with fox cubs chewing her plants’

A pair of playful fox cubs were captured grappling over a cushion left for them to sleep on while exploring a garden in West Sussex.

The two cubs were chasing each other and practicing their best prey kicks when they were caught on camera by wildlife activist Dora Nightingale.

Filmmaker Ms Nightingale from Worthing, West Sussex, filmed the adorable footage after being contacted by a resident who wanted advice on how to

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SPARTANBURG, SC (WSPA)-When you think of airports, you probably think of baggage claims or crowds of people. But if you’ve been to the Spartanburg Memorial Airport recently, you’ll think of the garden.

“We’re looking at a way of providing, you know, some type of food back to the community from the airport,” said Terry Connorton, Director of the Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport.

After acknowledging the presence of food insecurity in Spartanburg, Connorton said he spoke to the Hub City Farmers Market. They said despite an airport sounding like an unlikely place for a successful garden, it’s actually the opposite.

“This form of regenerative agriculture will take the carbon emissions that’s happening all around us at the airport due to the aircraft, and it’ll sequester the carbon in the soil,” said Dori Burgess, executive director of Hub City Farmers Market. “So it’s a form of taking these carbon emissions and using

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THIS YEAR’S garden-party game (which I just made up) is a mashup of plants, design and color theory. Each season, I’ll share a color recipe for Pacific Northwest gardens: striking 1-2-3 plant combinations for landscaping your plot or composing your pot. Whether you prefer following a recipe step by step or approach each formula as just a starting place, I hope you’ll find some delicious combinations. Let’s dig in.

it’s winter. It’s dark. It’s cold. Instinctively, we humans draw close to warmth and flames. Kindle a botanical bonfire with this trio of hardy shrubs that ignite the winter landscape for months on end.


1. Of all the twig dogwoods, ‘Midwinter Fire’ (Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’) is especially showy, with thickets of golden stems that gradually shift to orange and deep crimson toward the tip of the plant over the course of winter.


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